BMO Capital Markets is now telling it's investors to get completely out of equities (stocks) and go to cash.
Several Investing advisers and one investing house is basically screaming the markets are about to go under....depression style.
The global credit environment is worsening. Cost of capital is going up and availability is going down. There are large gaps between where the credit market prices risk and where the equity market is priced. Equity is lagging the deterioration in credit conditions. Moves in currency, equity and commodity markets are mirroring the moves in the credit market. Global growth, in a credit-constrained environment, will slow. Profits will be squeezed by the higher cost of capital...We advocate a zero weight toward equity, and that investors convert their equity positions to cash."
Anthony Fry of Evercore Partners and Bob Janjuah of RBS are in get out of dodge.
Fry.."“I don’t want to scare anyone but I am considering investing in barbed wire and guns, things are not looking good and rates are heading higher,” he said."
"The comments mirror those of bearish Bob Janjuah from RBS, who told CNBC on Friday that we are facing big stock market losses and told investors to get into gold before G20 governments attempt to throw another $15 trillion in quantitative easing in a bid to jump start the economy.
Though probably not the most cohesive suggestion on how to shows that economic collapse is looking like a real possibility to investment advisers and they are worried.
In other news in Spain..strikes and protests begin.
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