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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cold War re-ignites?

A series of events has rapidly unfolded in the Middle-East/Eurasia.

Just out from CBS: "The U.S. Embassy in Damascus urged its citizens in Syria to depart "immediately," and Turkey's foreign ministry urged Turkish pilgrims to opt for flights to return home from Saudi Arabia to avoid traveling through Syria."

-Weekly naval update from Stratfor, which always has some very interesting if always controversial view on geopolitics, where we find that for the first time in many months, CVN 77 George H.W. Bush has left its traditional theater of operations just off the Straits of Hormuz, a critical choke point, where it traditionally accompanies the Stennis, and has parked... right next to Syria.
(via zerohedge)

-China and Russia have stated they will not let the west attack Syria. Russia was rather forceful beginning to place it's offensive weapons…including nuclear…on standby.
"..in a nationally televized appearance by Russian president Dmitry Medvedev: in response to what the Russian believes is an active incursion and a potential act of eventual aggression on behalf of NATO countries in Eastern Europe (and hence the US), he he said the following (7 minutes in): "First, I am instructing the Defense Ministry to immediately put the missile attack early warning radar station in Kaliningrad on combat alert. Second, protective cover of Russia's strategic nuclear weapons, will be reinforced as a priority measure under the programme to develop out air and space defenses. Third, the new strategic ballistic missiles commissioned by the Strategic Missile Forces and the Navy will be equipped with advanced missile defense penetration systems and new highly-effective warheads. Fourth, I have instructed the Armed Forces to draw up measures for disabling missile defense system data and guidance systems if need be... Fifth, if the above measures prove insufficient, the Russian Federation will deploy modern offensive weapon systems in the west and south of the country, ensuring our ability to take out any part of the US missile defense system, in Europe. One step in this process will be to deploy Iskander missiles in Kaliningrad Region"
My worry is with world economies in a slump, nothing gets people back to work faster than war. Governments may be all to willing to engage in an ever escalating game of 'who will blink first'. Unfortunately, this can lead to an all out conflict, and in this day and age can result in rather large destruction. Personally, I considered conventional much less nuclear attack rather low on my list of possible preparedness scenarios. If things continue down this road, that will have to change.

Preparedness things to consider if escalation to conflict occurs:
-One's proximity to military targets.
-One's proximity to industrial complexes.
-One's proximity to power/utility plants (major metro/industrial areas).
-Fuel shortages/price spikes…this would lead to price spikes in all other items not locally produced.
-Barter items of high vales.
-Ammunition shortages (severe).
-Possibility of limited nuclear exchange. (be sure to check daily, the jet stream flow. An attack elsewhere can still dump fallout on your area.)

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